Machine Job Job Costing and Estimating Software

STOP Winning unprofitable work

About 75% of shops polled admit that they really don’t know if work they win is actually making a profit. Wasting your time and shop energy winning work that is not profitable takes your time and energy away from work that is … it’s a downward spiral.

The proven design of KipwareQTE machine shop quoting software and a user interface that works simply insures that users will not miss steps in the quoting process and that costs estimated will mean not just winning work … but winning profitable work.

ignoring rfq's?

About 85% of job shops polled admit that they don’t respond to request for quotations because their quoting and estimating process is tedious, time consuming, difficult to use which causes them to miss the required deadline

The real world design of KipwareQTE® machine shop estimating software was created by “manufacturing guys” and eliminates the clutter and overly complex “features” of MRP and ERP packages to have you producing quotes and estimates quickly, easily … and most importantly … accurately.


More complex does not mean more efficient.

More expensive does not mean better.

More “features” does not equate to more powerful.

Kipware® was born on the shop floor to solve real world problems. Customers have told us over and over that using KipwareQTE® actually showed them why they were losing money … and taught them how to quote effectively.

“Things” they never thought of or even considered are now done automatically and they quote with confidence knowing the work they win is actually worth winning.

We used Kipware® every day … and still do … to not only win more work … but to ensure we win more profitable work.

What Can KipwareQTE® Do For You?

KipwareQTE® is a complete cost estimating application for manufacturing that in the end will provide the user with an accurate, formal quotation to send in response for an RFQ. Your cost estimate will include :

  • MATERIAL COST … based on cost per weight, length, bar, plate or individual piece. Store this information in a database for quick and accurate data entry.
  • PERISHABLE TOOLING … based on estimated tool life KipwareQTE® will automatically calculate the number of each tool required and cost for each tool as well as total tool cost for all tools involved in the production.
  • LABOR COSTS … KipwareQTE® will automatically take into account the efficiency rating for each machine to determine ACTUAL time required resulting in ACTUAL labor cost calculations. Stop losing profits over unaccounted labor time.
  • NON-MACHINING COSTS … include costs from fixed costs (plating, anodizing) to labor costs for non-machining operations (deburring, packing, shipping) based on cost per piece, hourly rate or fixed cost. Separate hourly rates for programming and set-up can also be included.
  • A formatted QUOTATION can be auto generated from your cost estimate and can include up to (6) different quantities. If your client requested a quote for quantities of 25, 50 and 1000 … KipwareQTE® can auto generate the 50 and 1000 quote costs from an estimate using the 25 base quantity. 
  • Once the job is won … KipwareQTE® can auto generate a BILL OF MATERIALS to ensure you are prepared for the start of production. Winning the job means you need to know how much material to buy, how many inserts to have on hand, how much machine time is needed … KipwareQTE’s BOM will give you all the specs you need.

KipwareQTE® can perform all these tasks … include all these costing options … and so many others. If you are not currently including items like perishable tooling or packing or deburring labor you are costing your shop profits. KipwareQTE® makes it super simple to include these costs so that you can be sure that you will not only be winning work … you’ll be winning PROFITABLE WORK.

BUT … KipwareQTE® can be MORE than just cost estimating and quoting. Optional modules can be employed to track actual resources vs. estimated and to easily perform cost comparisons between actual costs and estimated costs to insure that you are not only winning work … but winning profitable work.

  • KipwareMRP® – KipwareMRP® is a resource tracking module for KipwareQTE®. It can be installed on the shop floor to allow personnel to record actual resources being used in production. Number of inserts, end mills, actual cycletimes, actual non-machining services times like deburring and packing can be easily recorded by the shop personnel for importing into the KipwareCRM® cost review module.
  •  KipwareCRM® – KipwareCRM® is the cost review module for KipwareQTE®. Easily compare actual costs vs. estimated costs for material, tooling, labor and non-machining to insure the actual work being done is profitable and that your shop is not wasting time and energy on money losing jobs. KipwareCRM® will insure your quoting and estimating is on track and will highlight areas of concern.

Isn’t it time to STOP chasing work and wasting your shop’s time creating parts that are just losing money? … and taking time away from winning profitable work?

Need more info … click below to watch our series of in-depth videos or schedule a live, online demonstration.

kipwareqte® Video gallery

Introduction, Outline and Estimating with KipwareQTE®

The Vital Importance of Cost Analysis to Profitability

Explore the ASSEMBLY estimating module that comes standard with KipwareQTE®.

3 Ways to STOP Your Shop from LOSING MONEY

A MAJOR Cost Missed When Quoting

The FARCE That Is Feature Based Estimating

MRP and Cost Analysis Module Released for KipwareQTE®

Guidelines for Calculating Machine Hourly Rate

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